#ONAbingo: 2017 stats

#ONA17 is in the books, and so is another #ONAbingo!

The highlights

There were 78 users this year.

There were 25 winners, but only 3 tweeted that they won.

The five most commonly selected words were:

Architectural change

This was the game's first year making use of localStorage, which meant users wouldn't lose their bingo cards whenever they reloaded the page. (I'd meant to put that in place the very first year, but I didn't quite get it to work at the time.)

That seemed to be a useful feature, since 73 of the 78 users reloaded at least once.

Device breakdown

Phone users made up 70 percent of this year's bingo players, and users of desktop browsers made up another 28 percent. (Only three people played on tablets.)

Among mobile devices, 62 percent were running iOS.

Closing thoughts

This year's game was a fun one to put together, and I'm looking forward to next year!

If you have any feedback, let me know at @myersjustinc.